The constraint position.
First body participating in the constraint.
Second body participating in the constraint.
Set to true if you want the connected bodies to collide.
Equations to be solved in this constraint
The lower limit on the constraint angle.
Set to true to enable lower limit
The type of constraint. May be one of Constraint.DISTANCE, Constraint.GEAR, Constraint.LOCK, Constraint.PRISMATIC or Constraint.REVOLUTE.
The upper limit on the constraint angle.
Set to true to enable upper limit
Disable the rotational motor
Enable the rotational motor
Get the speed of the rotational constraint motor
Check if the motor is enabled.
Set the constraint angle limits, and enable them.
the lower limit
the upper limit
Set max bias for this constraint.
Set the speed of the rotational constraint motor
Set relaxation for this constraint.
Set stiffness for this constraint.
Updates the internal constraint parameters before solve.
Connects two bodies at given offset points, letting them rotate relative to each other around this point.