First body participating in the constraint.
Second body participating in the constraint.
Set to true if you want the connected bodies to collide.
Equations to be solved in this constraint
Lower constraint limit. The constraint position is forced to be larger than this value.
Set to true to enable lower limit.
Max force for the motor
The current motor state. Enable or disable the motor using .enableMotor
Equation used for the motor.
Set the target speed for the motor.
The position of anchor A relative to anchor B, along the constraint axis.
The type of constraint. May be one of Constraint.DISTANCE, Constraint.GEAR, Constraint.LOCK, Constraint.PRISMATIC or Constraint.REVOLUTE.
Upper constraint limit. The constraint position is forced to be smaller than this value.
Set to true to enable upper limit.
Disable the rotational motor
Enable the motor
Set the constraint limits.
lower limit
upper limit
Set max bias for this constraint.
Set relaxation for this constraint.
Set stiffness for this constraint.
Update the constraint equations. Should be done if any of the bodies changed position, before solving.
Constraint that only allows bodies to move along a line, relative to each other.
Also called "slider constraint".
Ability to create using only a point and a worldAxis